Monday, October 13, 2008

At-One-Ment - - for Monday October 13

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. Proverbs 16:32

Divine Science, as well as psychosomatic medicine, teaches that thoughts have a way of becoming conditions and experiences; that if a situation is becoming unbearable, we cannot manipulate it or modify it outwardly, but must change in the realm of causation. We must develop a new attitude, take a new approach.

We are reminded by leading teachers that anger, resentment, and blaming others cause warfare within the flesh. We must look at our experiences squarely and, even through agony, shames, and regret, admit that some of the wrongs cannot be undone. But attitude can be harmonized. It is possible to become objective concerning ourselves. After all, we are all children in process and every single one, without exception, has made mistakes.

Do I want to be healed? Do I want to be released? The choice is mine. If I sincerely say, “Yes,” then I can always turn to the Presence within and accept God's love as the law of my life.

I declare: “From this hour I choose to forgive whoever has given me offense. I give you back your freedom; I release you.” And as I release, so I am released. As I bless, I am blessed.

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